New Territories
Tuen Mun
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New Territories
Tuen Mun
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Recent Chinese Tutoring requests from Tuen Mun

Chinese Tutoring
Marxxx    New Territories Tuen Mun
What is your budget?
What time do you prefer to have your lesson?
Thursday Late afternoon. Friday Late afternoon, Evening
Where is the service location?
New Territories,Tuen Mun
Chinese Tutoring
蕭〇辰    New Territories Tuen Mun
What is your budget?
What time do you prefer to have your lesson?
Saturday Morning, Early afternoon, Late afternoon, Evening. Sunday Morning, Early afternoon, Late afternoon, Evening
Where is the service location?
New Territories,Tuen Mun

Customer reviews on PRO360 Chinese Tutors

1 total
Michael Lee

Recent Chinese Tutors Jobs in Tuen Mun

Chinese Tutoring
Tuen Mun
Lesson frequency: Twice a week
Budget: $150-$200/hr
Student ability: Primary school level
1. P1   2. 6-12 years old   3. Female   4. 60 mins   5. Thursday Late afternoon. Friday Late afternoon, Evening  
Chinese Tutoring
Tuen Mun
Lesson frequency: Once a week
Budget: $200-$250/hr
Student ability: High school level
1. F5 second semester   2. 19-25 years old   3. No preference   4. 90 mins   5. Saturday Morning, Early afternoon, Late afternoon, Evening. Sunday Morning, Early afternoon, Late afternoon, Evening  
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